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Football Betting Is Pure Business – Take This Approach And Make Money Or Go Home

Without a doubt football betting generates the biggest gambling revenue in sports.

Each year, billions are placed on outcomes of football matches, but most people who bet are losing money.

If what you’re currently doing is not making you money or if you’re tired of the run of losing bets you experience every day, or if you’ve always asked the question – “Can I Actually Make Money On Football Betting?”


This article seeks to answer that question.


So then, Can You Actually Make Money On Football Betting?


The simple answer is yes.


And there are plenty of people doing it on a regular basis. However, the harsh but honest reality is that it could be demanding and requires time, sometimes money to learn and invest into the game.


Don’t be deceived – watching as many football matches, being a raving fan of a club or having the latest updates on team news does not translate to betting winnings.


The simple secret however, to guaranteed bet wins is a combination of the right information and smart betting to produce good profits.

Like every career worth chasing, it all starts with the attitude. Most people see football betting as some kind of easy way to make quick money.

Maybe, but not without a conscious profitable strategy.

I know what you’re probably thinking, but NO, trying to guess the winner in a game will not make you money.

If it did, you won’t  be reading this now.

Being successful requires much more.

Most bettors are looking for a quick-fix, have a closed mind, are lazy and want ‘tips’ spoon fed to them but the main issue is that they have a very short-term mindset. All they care about is just one win, and that’s it. No long-term plans, they don’t set goals past getting just one winner because they depend so much on luck. who does that?

If you want to be a winner, a deep knowledge of how the betting industry works, the correct evaluation of football games, understanding odds well-enough and probabilities is a must.

If you want to start seeing some results in your betting, Look at odds as prices of bets, not just some random numbers. i Know this might sound like ‘super story to you’ and might be hard for an amateur bettor to accept, but it’s true. Odds do not represent the real probability of an outcome playing or not.

This is probably the number one mistake you’re guilty of. You take a look at a game, and most of the time, you’ve already concluded in your mind where your money is going.  You take your betting as some kind of guessing game where you just pick outcomes you believe is most likely to happen.

The simple truth is, that’s not enough. Even if your predictions are accurate most of the time (big if!), you will still end up losing, if you don’t base your betting on probability.

Probabilities are actually what the odds from a certain match represents.

The price (odds) for each outcome can easily be converted into probabilities that tells how often that outcome needs to happen, in order to break even / profit.

Here’s a simple example how to make the conversion. Let’s take a price of 2.00 and try to transform it into percentage. Just divide 100 by the odds. In this case the result is 50 which means you will have to win such a wager 50% of the time to break even. Of course, even more if you want to make a profit in the long-run.

Making money then becomes possible when supposedly the real price of an event is 2.00 and the bookmaker offers you something higer like say 2.50. It’s now a profitable venture because the event will still record 50% winnings but since you bought the bet at a cheap price of 2.50, you’d require just 40% wining bets of this nature to break even. Then the  extra 10% becomes your profit.

The occasional small be on a long shot accumulator is great, but don’t let emotions cloud your judgment. Many poor gamblers waste thousands on those and lose large sums in the long-run. This kind of betting is often based on greed and stupidity and rarely clicks.

To be successful you need the right information.

Some bettors profit from risk-free strategies.

  • Matched betting: This is a risk-free technique for earning money from betting bonuses and free bets.


  • Arbitrage Betting: You can arb sports betting companies, profiting from difference in their prices. This is totally risk free too.


  • Identify odds that imply the chance of an outcome happening as less likely than reality will make money long-term. It’s simple – if you calculate that the chance of an outcome is greater (i.e more likely to happen) then the odds suggest. E.g the odds could be 4.00 at a bookmaker, but you have calculate the real chance as 2.00, meaning that the payout on the win at the bookmaker is greater.it’s therefore a value bet.


As you can see, football betting is a serious business and requires some effort in order to succeed. Once you understand that it is a business, your focus should be on how to grow your money in the long-term and not a quick gamble here/there to make quick profit.

Treat it as a gamble, and you’ll only get frustrated and depend on luck to make it, but treat like an investment just like every other viable business and you’ll realize that sports betting when done right, can be a huge capital growth.

The information in this article will not make you an instant winner. But it provides the crucial basis required for you to become one. It will help you build a successful strategy that will bring you a nice-side income (or even become your main means of livelihood, who knows!).



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