Bet Advice

Why You Should Never Bet On Small Odds… and what you should do instead

I know you feel safe with small odds, right?


When you walk into a bet shop and you see games with small odds and you somehow believe that since the odds for a particular team is small then it means that their chances of winning is high.


You could be right there. Most times small odds are given to a team more likely to win.


But wait a minute. That still doesn’t make it smart to bet on those odds.


I will prove it to you shortly.


Now, take a game between Real Madrid and Eibar for instance. Let’s assume that an odd of 1.10 is given to Real Madrid right. Heck, just by looking at the game you can tell who the winner is going to be since Madrid’s odds represents a 90.9% probability of them winning. So you go out and pull out, let’s say, 10,000 naira and bam – you place a bet on Real Madrid.


Is this a safe move? Sure; it is. Real Madrid may likely win.


But is it a smart move? No, definitely not.

why 5

You will find the answer if we take a look at the profit you will make from that one game. Playing an odd of 1.10 with 10k will give you JUST 1,100 naira profit. That’s way too small compensation considering the level of risk taken.

And with this kind of plan, you can never break even in the long run. For crying out loud, no one breaks-even on short odds like that.


That’s the problem with playing small odds. You will need to stake a large sum and then at the end of the day you make chicken change compared to how much you’ve staked.


But then, I know what you thinking. You are saying to yourself that you can counter this by accumulating as much games as possible, right?


You can go out and accumulate loads of games with small odds. But then, accumulation comes with it’s own troubles.

Things go wrong, buddy…how can you predict over ten games accurately in a row? You are not a damn prophet!

solution 4


It’s simple – Take the superior option and bet on games with higher odds. For example, sports betting sites often provide an approximate odd of 3.00 for a draw. If you play it with just 500 naira you would make 1,500 naira and that is a profit of 1000 naira. And it took a whooping 10k to make a 1100 naira profit.

What’s this dude talking about? Does he think finding a draw is that easy? I know that’s what you are thinking right now. The answers to bet problems have been staring at you right in your face but you don’t notice it. Try this little test, visit livescore.com on any day. Visit now if you like, then count the number of draws, home wins and away wins. You’d be shocked to see that draw outcomes are as likely as any other outcomes too.


Are you getting the picture now? Of course you are, it is pretty obvious. You limit yourself mentally. An average punter thinks playing on a draw is risky business and takes a commando to venture into.


I’ll so burst your bubbles bro. It’s untrue. You see, even some of the mathematical and statistical models used in odds compiling tend to undermine the chances of  a drawish outcome and that’s why you see an average odds of about 3.30 for a draw. It’s simply an inherent limitation in odds modelling. Smart punters who compile their own odds themselves knows this and take advantage of it to make money for themselves.

Make no Mistakes. I’m not saying you should go out there with your nets fishing for draws. Not really! But if you know a method you can effectively use, then why not.


The message I’m trying to pass is – you should start thinking creatively. You have been doing things one way and it isn’t working, wouldn’t it be prudent for you to try doing things differently? Think about that. Get a bet plan. If you must gamble, gamble right.

Guess I’ve digressed a bit. Let’s get back to the matter.

But then the problem with big odds is that most times they are not as mathematically safe as games with little odds. But what if I showed you how to filter out the safe ones from the loads of bet traps out there.

What if I show you the exact effective technique I use myself to spot games with big odds that are more likely to make you mad money.

Armed with this secret you can be able to make lots of money over-time from your betting.

I have packaged all of this money making magnet strategy and I have poured them into a Free Professional Betting E-course, and you can lock down your slot for my course today by clicking the image below. Click it, put your best email address and you’ll my free guide plus a five-day course that follows afterwards.



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