Bet Fitness

How Betting For Fun Turns You Into A Happy Loser

I find it difficult to believe when people say they play bets just for the fun of it. It beats me because I cannot see the reason of enjoying losing money just for the sake of enjoying to lose this money.

Personally, I’d look for more exciting ways of losing money if losing money were to be my hobby. I can assure you that picking hundreds of Naira notes and flushing them into the toilet is a better way or even putting all that sum into one of those large offering bowls on Sunday service is not a bad idea either.

The point is, if you truly enjoy losing money, then there are better ways of doing that than gambling.

Why am I saying all these?

You see, bettors have a way of deceiving themselves that they haven’t paid attention to. The bulk of them are convinced they play games primarily for fun and because they love sports betting so much that they don’t mind losing.

Simply hilarious!

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I’d bet every penny I have that their real intention is to make as much money as they can with as little stake as available. The idea of fun only comes in as a cushion effect or a way of reducing the frustration of losing like a sort of consolation prize and the next day you lose again, and lose yet again the day after. All for fun?

Where am i pointing to?

There is a big difference between betting for fun and betting for money. One stops at fun, while the other adds an extra business-like model to its template. And that difference separates successful bettors who make a living through betting from average bettors who bet because they just have to and maybe hopefully get to make one killer big win someday that will compensate for all their losses.

I’m deeply sorry to disappoint you, but getting rich quick with one won bet is practically impossible. You can quote me anywhere.

Yes, I agree there are a few cases of people winning really big on betting by placing a high odds accumulator. Maybe over 10000 odds ( what an accumulator!) on a N100 wager. This cannot be denied. At the same time, this are rare cases that barely happen. In fact you can start by asking yourself, “why haven’t you won that much before? Aren’t you lucky enough?

The truth is these killer big wins barely clicks. Even if it does, what are the chances of it happening again?

That’s simply why bookmakers like Nairabet, Bet9ja and Co will always spend lots of money to advertise those rare winnings when it happens so that they”ll get more people into dreaming about achieving that same success. Which sadly enough, they never do -only end up donating their own hard earned money.

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You need to be realistic and think like a pure businessman. Mere luck cannot catapult you into the kind of riches you dream of from sports betting. If luck had been so kind to you, perhaps you wouldn’t be reading this article now.

You need a plan. The few bettors who are successful from football betting all have  bet plans. Wouldn’t it be prudent to learn how they achieved this? Sure it is because the way I see it, If you must put your money to something -You need to know a little about it.

Bookmakers devour you everyday simply because you are ignorant of how certain things work in gaming. They have no intention of letting you into their closely-guarded secrets of how they keep raking in millions daily out of uninformed punters. All you need to fight back is some adequate  knowledge. Without this knowledge am afraid you’d need to hold on to Mr luck again and pray he smiles at you.

Just my last words

I’ve asked a lot of questions. So many that it’s likely you wouldn’t be able to answer them immediately. But start thinking. It’s never too late. Begin working on how you can change you mindset. That’s primary. Think of how you could do things differently to get different results.

A good step you can take is to click here to Sign up for my Free professional E-Course Today. You’d learn all you need to know to start doing things differently and really stand a chance of getting back at the bookmakers.

I think that’s a good way to start. Above all, I really hope this article proved helpful to you.

Game responsibly and always stay moneyed!


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