Bet Advice

“Hidden Tricks Bookmakers Play On Punters That You Can Use To Make Money For Yourself”.


Bookmakers are probably going to have me killed by the end of this year. Because I’m taking every secret they use to make money from people and I’m laying them open for you so you can turn them around and actually use the secrets on them.

Now stay with me here…

…Imagine a case where you go to check out odds. And then, right before your eyes, you find out that the team you expected to win a match has been given an odd bigger than the team you are almost very sure would lose.

surprise look

You are thrown off balance and you do a double take.

Then you look at it like; wait – is that a mistake? Why would the stronger team be given a bigger odd?

And then you wonder why these bookmakers would be willing to give a big odd to a team that would almost definitely win. You start wondering if your analysis was wrong and maybe these guys know something you don’t know about the club you thought would win.


So the doubts begin to creep in.


Here is the bombshell, amigo. Bookmakers do not know outcomes – It is a trick. Or better still, it’s a style of setting odds popular among odds compilers.

Now stay really close to me right here.

These bet websites are aware you know that that team is strong. They know that almost everybody would want to place a bet on the team that is most likely to win. Don’t forget that they take public opinion into account when setting this odds.

So they put a big odd on that team most likely to win to grow doubts in your mind that the team has a secret “problem” and might not be as strong as you thought. And out of fear you double chance or ignore the match.


It is a pure basic elementary reverse psychology trick.


In fact these bookmakers have a fancy name for it. They call it “Favorite Long Shot Bias” – FLSB. It is designed to throw you off balance.


They know that people associate big odds to teams most likely to lose. They know that you would likely go for the team that is most likely to win and they don’t want that because it will lose them money so what they do is to go all dirty on you – by playing the FLSB trick on you (those guys are smart devils).


So you play the one with the small odd.


And bingo; you lose money.


The thing is that you fall into these tricks almost all the time. And 90 percent of the time you fall into the trick without knowing. Heck, my guess is that if you place a bet within the next 72 hours you are possibly going to fall for this trick again.


What if I show you how to take advantage of the bookmaker’s own trick. Not just that, I would show you a particular secret test you can use to find out when any bookmaker in any part of the world is trying to play the Favourite Long shot bias trick on you.


And here is the good part, odds with this particular trick are usually one of the main reason why your games cut because the odds you use to judge the accuracy of your selection is already biased most times.

To then win, you have to discover how to detect real odds from false odds as you’d learn in my Free professional Betting E-course Here  which will help increase your chances of sucking these bookmakers dry and it will start making you money as soon as you master the simple techniques.

Go Here To Take Our Free Training Today.




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