Bet Fitness

One Mindset That Can Make You Mad Money Betting Online

In this write up I am going to show you the exact same mindset that professional punters use to make a good living from sports betting every month. And If you read through every word here you are going to increase your chances of making more money in the next 30 days betting online than you’ve ever made in the past 365 days.


Now stay with me….


Bookmakers sell you an illusion. They will always tell you that betting is not a business and that it is a mere reward for your passion in sports or it’s for mere recreation.


why 3


Because they don’t want you to take it too seriously.

this is why


Because they know if you start taking betting too seriously you will start being sensible and careful. And they don’t want that. They want you to bounce into the bet shops and bet with your emotions. They know that if you start taking betting too logically they are going to have a problem.


This is why they give you an opportunity to accumulate games with as little money as 100 that will make you so much money. So they can play on your greed. And then you go out, your greed button has been pressed , and so you accumulate lots of game increasing the chances of having one game to spoil your bet slip.


That’s what they want. They want to make you believe you can “hammer” from betting.

I don’t know if you are getting what I’m trying to say.


You have to look at betting like the stock and forex market.


The focus you should have is making progressive profits and not to get rich instantly from just one bet slip. Now this is very important. I will repeat; the first and only focus you should have is progressive success and not to “hammer” from one bet slip. You need to start taking football betting as the business it truly is.


So look at it this way….


It is easier to make 10,000 naira from 1000 than it is to make 1,000,000 naira from 1000. But then most people feel that the idea of making 1 mill from 1k is better. I don’t understand. Why don’t you look for 3 games with a very high chance of turning out well and playing rather than accumulating a python- like bet slip of games with traps in them.

do you know 3


Instead of relying on luck, the best is to have a bet strategy. Winning sports bettors all have bet strategies. Do you?

If you don’t have a plan or make use of one that guarantees a positive expected return then you’re nothing but a gambler.

And successful betting isn’t for gamblers. it’s for investors who plan to win, people that do not hope on luck to win but create their own fate with their hands.

And that is what my Free Professional Betting E-course Available here would teach you – bet plans that work. Through the course, I will show you how to look at an event with the eyes of an investor and some useful tips and techniques you can use to make consistent monthly and weekly profits betting online; just like a forex trader (but better).


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